Brian S. Shaffer, MD
Brian S. Shaffer, MD is a board-certified urologist interested in all aspects of adult urology. He graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1986 and finished his two years of general surgery and four years of urologic training at Massachusetts General Hospital in 1992. He then completed a two-year fellowship in Reconstructive Genitourinary Surgery from Eastern Virginia Medical School in 1994 where he learned to apply many principles of plastic surgery to complex urologic reconstructive problems. He joined NW Urology in July 1994.
Dr. Shaffer was drawn to urology because of the breadth of issues encountered, from the simple to the extremely complex, the purely medical to the purely surgical. His fellowship in Reconstructive Urology has taught him to break down complex problems into their root causes and then develop solutions to address those causes. “For most of medicine, coming up with the solution is often the easy part,” he says. “Identifying the cause can be a challenge and requires that we ask our patients the right questions and listen well.” He has been a leader in the Portland area for the use of robotics (including the da Vinci®) in urological surgery, has appeared in Portland Monthly’s Top Docs issues, and was chosen as one of America’s Top Urologists by the Consumers’ Research Council of America.
Dr. Shaffer embraces any activity that gets his heart pumping, especially cycling. He loves to cook (and eat) and enjoys nothing more than preparing meals for his family and friends.

SW Portland / St. Vincent Hospital
9135 SW Barnes Rd #663
Portland, OR 97225 - (503) 297-1078
- (503) 292-2176